Series of Interactions
Spring 2020
My Undergraduate Thesis at Parsons School of Design.
Web Design, Photography, Video Content Creation, Writing, Physical Design, Graphic Design
What does it truly mean to be spoken for, or to feel unheard? Whether on the examination couch, in the ICU, or during table conversations, these moments resonate deeply. My research explored the high rates of misdiagnosis among female patients. Through interviews with individuals and medical professionals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, I investigated the concept of agency within medical spaces. This research unearthed key emotions tied to these medical narratives and culminated in a web-based series of interactions, accompanied by photographic and design outputs, that spotlight misdiagnosis and the lack of agency in medical environments.
Interview Gallery
In this series of interviews, I let each participant know: not a second of audio or footage will be recorded, I don’t even have a paper and pen to record. This will be a purely conversational space, where my camera is set to capture body language of speaker at automated intervals. Those images later compiled into a photoshop script for these photogrpahic outputs: a snapshot of one’s body language as they recall their medical stories.
Project Synoposis
Written Series of Interactions (SOI)